My 20 for 2020


FOMO goals edition set in earlier this year. I started off with good intentions, with a list literally with the same title— 2020 Intentions. But this quote from Elise Blaha Cripe’s new book Big Dreams, Daily Joys, reminded me why goals matter:

We set goals to learn, expand, and find the joy that comes from getting uncomfortable and pushing ourselves outside the daily routine.
— Elise Blaha Cripe

Here is my 20 for 2020 list—Part Goals, Part Dreams, All Part of my BIG Plan this year to answer this question:

What now?

Hoping to answer part of that with this list.

My 20 for 2020

Creativity :

1.Make a Christmas quilt - I have only created one quilt, and that one I gave away. This year I want one for myself. I figured if I make it a Christmas quilt I have all year to complete.

2. Participate in 100 Day Project - No idea what this might be. But I have longed for the commitment of a project. Lets see what comes of it!

3. Read a story in front of an audience - Already signed up for an audition! This one is happening, if the only audience becomes the two people who listen to my audition.

4. Write one poem a month - I love the freedom in creativity poetry brings me. 

Self Education and Care:

5. Find a general practitioner - And go to them. Maybe get blood tests. You know, because #almost40

6. Go on a solo trip - Probably a vocation creative goal as well. This one is more to celebrate the end of an era as a woman whose body is needed.

7. Buy a REAL bra - also related to the end of an era as listed above.

8. Fine tune my curly girl routine - I have begun the process and I love my curly hair. But I want to make it better, or if anything play with it more.

9. Read 5 books from my own shelf - I chose the number at random. Mostly just to encourage myself to read those books. I already canceled my library holds (and then added a couple more since. I have a library addiction.)


10. Get a piano - preferably free. We have the perfect spot, interested musical family members, just need to pull the trigger on the hunt and delivery fees.

11. Find a seasonal signature cocktail - you know I love a good cocktail. I have a signature cocktail, but now I want to up my game to make it more seasonal. 

12. Work on front of house curb appeal - Not sure what this means yet. But this is the next phase of our outdoor projects. I always need a spring goal to keep me hopeful through the dark winter.

13. Organize recipes and develop a menu plan - The Lazy Genius is a masterful menu planner and I aspire to have a better handle on what recipes we make NOW, as well as organize the mess that is my recipe box.


14. Record my grandparent’s stories - as much a way to connect with my grandparents as it is to stretch my writing skills. 

15. Learn to french braid - Listed under relationship because Caroline has been asking for braided hair, and I have zero skills.

16. Host a vision board party - Who wants an invite to this woo woo party??


17. Submit one time a month, including two new to me publications - Note this is not "be accepted," just submit. That’s the goal I can control

18. Research potential future education plan- vague, I know. Just starting the process of answering "what do I want to be when I grow up."

19. Revamp my website - part of this process is creating a mission statement, branding concept, blahblahblah. Just rethinking how I present myself and my story. 

20. Newsletter - I am so excited about this one! Something I have wanted to do for years, and this year it is happening! Are you excited too? Stay tuned to be the first to sign up! First issue to hit your inboxes mid April!

Heres to getting uncomfortable and finding the joy in 2020!

PS One goal that didn’t make the list? Blogging more and less—meaning more frequently but with less words. As Ashlee Gadd in my Exhale writing group said “let’s blog likes it’s 2010!”

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