Simple Gold Wreath Gifts

Last year I decided I wanted to make myself a gold ring wreath like I had admired in the minimalist Christmas searches in Pinterest. Unfortunately, it was difficult to find the right size sold just as one. Everything came as a large set. That’s when I decided, well if I could make one, why not a whole bunch. We gift to many family members at Christmas and sometimes it’s nice to have one gift that works for many people. With only a few supplies from the craft store, and mostly odds and ends I had around the house, I was able to create eight different wreaths that represented the style and personality of each person I was gifting to. It was such a fun process and also so very easy. I thought I might share the wreaths I created in case you have someone who might enjoy this gift. Crafting Christmas is not for everyone. But you need something to do with your hands while watching the overworked marketing associate return to her home town to save the old library threatened of tear down from the creepy realtor guy while simultaneously rekindling a romance with the nerd she ignored in high school.

Supplies (accessories linked are similar products found):

Gold Hoops / Greenery / Felt Balls / Faux Berries / Ribbon / Felt Roses / Dried Oranges / Glue Gun

The instructions are simple: Play around with the supplies on the hoop until you have it the way you like it. Go to town with your glue gun. The end.


Hope you have yourself a crafty little Christmas!