What NOT to Pay Attention to This Summer


 “When I am in the practice of paying attention, there are side effects that come along with that. Right now the sand, the sunscreen, the noise, the endless open schedule to pack it all in, those things are vivid because they are novel. But as they wear out, as I grow desensitized to their presence, the challenging parts of parenting in the summer will weed their way into our days.

And if I am not careful, I may find myself paying them more attention than they deserve.

As I sit in the quiet this morning, just me and the singing birds, noticing all the summery sensations, I decide to create a list of the things I will NOT be paying attention to this summer.”


We are reminded at every scroll of the social media to notice, pay attention, remember remember remember! It is not challenging for me to notice what is going on around me, my sensory neurons are constantly firing. But this also means sometimes I am noticing things that don’t feel worth my time. Today over on Twin Cities Moms Blog, I’m sharing my list of five things I am NOT paying attention to that tend to overwhelm me in the summer. Perhaps you need to ignore some of these, too.