Stocking Ideas You Might Not Have Thought Of


It’s Monday morning, nine sleeps until Christmas, four sleeps until our family heads out for our two week trip around the Midwest, as we do. We are in that interesting confluence where Christmas-ing meets leaving out of town-ing. I am staring at a pile of unfinished Christmas crafting projects. I consolidated the multiple to-do lists 18 times. Dinner plans for the next week consist of whatever I can find shoved to the back of the freezer. Apparently you can’t make a lunch from a dried up baked potato and sweet and sour sauce packets so we had to make an emergency run to the grocery store before preschool drop off for lunchables (gasp!—Mom, YAY!—kids). And yes, the littlest is still wearing his pajamas because wrestling him into clothes sounds like too much work but they are elf jammies so we’re calling it festive!

So, in other words, we’re right on schedule.

Every year I say I’ll be more on top of things. And every year I end up right back here, in a humble, messy, joy-anticipating pile of Christmas. Oh, but isn’t it fun?

Planning ahead is for boring people.

In a bit, I am off to my mother land, Ye Olde Trader Joe’s, for some stocking stuffer searching. It’s my favorite place to stock up on something fun to bring delight to a sock. Every member of my family, on both sides, gets into the spirit of the stocking. Because big things are fun, but tiny joys are what we live for.

Today I thought I would share with you some of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas in four different categories: travel activities we use all the time that make great stocking stuffers for kids, Trader Joes items I love that your people might love too, a few things for Dad because he’s rad, and of course, my favorite category, the things I put in MY sock.

Most are available at a click of a button, just in case you are like me and need a little help finding the tiny joys to round out your Christmas.

Travel Toys That Stand The Test of Time

You know already we are big family travelers around here. One of the key ingredients to successful travel is entertainment. These are all well loved toys we always have on hand in the car or at a restaurant or other place little hands need to be kept busy. They easily fit into a small backpack or purse. And they provide for open ended fun, which is always my goal with toys.


There are toobs for any interest. Something about those tiny figures that sends my children into imagination world. This astronaut one caught my eye.


These plus plus blocks are so simple but perfect for building. I am always impressed with what they can create.


These magnetic wooden blocks are EXPENSIVE for the size. But they are a true example of stand the test of time. All ages love them. They are sturdy, come in a convenient travel bag, and really provide more fun than the small package shows.


We were at a pizza restaurant and instead of crayons, the waiter handed our kids these. I was hooked. Again, fun, open ended, creative, small. Noticing a trend?


I have yet to bring window markers into the car, but I’m going to try it. These would also be great on the plane. Wipe off easily with a baby wipe.

A Trader Joes Christmas

Every year I walk the aisles of Trader Joes (rough, I know) and look for some of my favorite products to fill up the stocks of my loved ones. There are plenty of new items this time of year which makes it fun. But I have also started to find that one product I REALLY love and use all the time. LIKE THIS!!! Then I include a list of my favorite ways to use that item. Another fun thing to do is pick a really great recipe I loved this year and grab one shelf stable ingredient from that recipe to gift. This year, some special people are getting a jar of turmeric and this fave recipe.


I snapped a picture last year of my Trader Joe’s stocking haul, and I believe all or most of these items are still available this year. Warning: those brandy chocolates are dangerously delicious.

A Few Things for your Rad Dad

Dad’s are rad, but they can also be tricky to shop for, at least the dads in my life. Here are a few winning ideas I have had for Mike over the years.


Magazine subscriptions are perfect to stuff into a stocking. Kindle books too.


This is specific to our area, but many cities have their own version of a pub pass so look around. Its been a fun thing to do, particularly to get to know a new city. Coupon books work well too.


I always stick a handful of GU energy packs into socks. You can can never have too many, particularly during ski season.


This year I am sticking a package of nuts into Mike’s sock for him to keep at his desk for the mid day hunger hit, along with a coupon for free refills for a year.

The Things I Put in my Sock

Do you fill up your own stocking? I think this might be my favorite tradition. I take such great delight in treating myself.


Usually I go for the things I have been eyeing in the beauty department but haven’t been able to pull the trigger. The target travel section is a perfect place for this. I have found some new fave products by testing them out in tiny version first.


These gold and snail hydrogel eye patches sound fancy because they are.


Also fake eye lashes aren’t just for the Kardashians. Get yourself some for your next date night!


This jade roller is a real treat. Get one for all your favorite ladies, and men for that matter.


Magazine subscriptions are great for me too. There are always deals this time of year.


Recently, as I noticed friends on the internet sharing ways to support their work through Patreon or some of the small printable resources they create, I decide this would be a great time to invest in something like that. It is a great way to support your friends doing creative work and also treating yourself to a small gift.

Well, get the to your nearest tiny shop emporium and fill those stockings with joy!