Currently//A January Story


As part of my Word of the Year, I am challenging myself to share, write, read, live and love the story. Thus, a January Story for you in picture and word. Currently I am…


 Celebrating…a new PR for a half marathon clocked at 2:05:50! A cool but WINDY day greeted us for my fourth long distance race and Mike’s fifth, and despite the conditions, I couldn’t be happier. Although for at least the first four days after, my muscles felt otherwise. More thoughts on this to come. For now, hurray for checking off a goal already in the first month of the year!

Missing…my beloved yogalates classes. The last few weeks were devoted to running, then I gave myself a whole week of nothing. But my body is telling me it misses a good long stretch. And my abs would like to say hello again. And my head would like to find some peace.  Speaking of peace, I am also…

Missing…President Obama. I relished in all of the farewell ceremonies, the photo memories, the parting words.  Say what you will about his policies, but that’s a great man right there. I’m so proud to have called him my President. I so look forward to more leadership from him and his family. This video gave me hope. kids relationship develop slowly in the best kind of way.  It's kind of like the way you feel when you set up two of your best friends together and they hit it off and you are just so happy that two people you love separately are sharing that love together. It's also a lot of screaming and fighting but let's not talk about that. 

Submitting…nothing, yet. That needs to be a big goal for February. But I have found I am slowly slowly getting better at fitting in writing through any little crack I can find. My parting quote below is my motivation. Wise Benny.

Purging…all of the things. For my Live Well in Your Home goal, I challenged myself to stop making lists of what needs to get done and instead just do it. The family is nervous if they leave anything untouched for 10 minutes it will find its way into my Goodwill pile. Yet I don’t hear anyone complaining about the lovely organization of the pantry. Or maybe that’s because I’m the only one who goes in there. Either way, the nesting bug always hits me hard in January.

Finding…my voice ever so slightly in the world of justice. Always a sidelined cheerleader never an activist, the Women's March gave me courage to use my voice and to learn more from my neighbors about issues. I’m still exploring what role I want to take inbetween preschool pickups, playground visits, and writing the next great novel. But awareness is the first step.

Listening…to podcasts to keep me motivated in this realm of activism and staying informed. Specifically this podcast about Syrian Refugees from the Intelligence Squared Debates podcast. And also loving the Pantsuit Politics podcast with two female friends from either side of the political aisle who celebrate the importance of nuance in our discussions with one another.  This recent episode on the first week of the new administration is a great example of their conversations. 

Loving…that we got a bonus opportunity to hug the people we love while also celebrating the love of two really cool individuals at their wedding in Ohio. I danced my pants off and it felt so good.

Eating...shishito peppers in  I made a batch of blistered shisito’s for a party last weekend and we had them the rest of the weekend in chili, on burgers, and in scrambled eggs. If your Trader Joes are carrying them like mine are, then grab two bags, throw ‘em in a preheated castiron with oil, pop ‘em in a blasted hot oven until beginning to brown/blacken, salt the heck out of ‘em and dig. In.

Drinking…more tea in the evenings instead of alcohol. A leftover habit from last year’s Whole 30 Challenge (Did I mention that? Remind me to share my thoughts on that some time.) My favorite right now is a lemon mint tea Mike found from a local vendor for Christmas. But last night I had this New York Sour and I am already craving another at 1:00 in the afternoon.

Reading…too many things to list, mostly some amazing children’s books. My book report is coming later in the week. But I will say I have knocked out 3 books for myself and close to 30 with the kids so I think it’s safe to say we are well on our way to the 200 book goal in this year. Meanwhile, this post is a great quick read that is still stirring in my mind as I think about my goals. “Don’t judge every day against your best day.”

Creating…therapeutic art with the kids. Random scribbling and water color sessions, followed by lovely smelling homemade playdough (essential oils for the win!), and this really cool activity I had pinned decades ago and finally pulled it out. The cold season caught up with us finally this weekend and week, but it provided the best excuse to heal with art. The kids healed their noses and I healed my heart trying to balance my news intake.  Art wins every time.

Watching…nothing. Well, exciting Packers for half the month and that ultimately led to disappointment. Otherwise, we did a screen freeze this month and I loved it so much we might continue it for a bit longer. Although, Mike’s been anxious to get going on another show. We’re thinking The Crown. Thoughts? Opinions?

So what’s next in February?

Looking forward to…celebrations!

·         So many date night plans starting with the Upbring Red Ball this Saturday! An excuse to get fancy and celebrate the great work Mike and his colleagues are doing for the children of Texas, yes please.

·         A month of birthdays! Mike’s on the 18th, Caroline’s half birthday on the 19th, and Elliott’s on the 21st . Also a bajillion other extended family members (February is party month!) I love birthdays and I love celebrating my favorite people. 

Working on…small goals for February. In January I gave myself a free pass to just casually work towards my goals. But moving forward, a big goal I want to honor is providing smaller monthly goals to help guide me. This is all a part of writing the story. So I chose a small step from each of my bigger goals to be working on in February. Y'all are my best success in staying accountable so I share with you:

Goal 1. Make list of likes/dislikes from other monthly newsletters to create personal plan. Do you have a favorite newsletter? Or what you might like to see more of? Send me your ideas!

Goal 2. Contact People for Guest Submission Series. Hoo boy! Get excited! It might be you! Stay tuned…Excited face emoji!!!!!

Goal 3. Find one place to submit writing already completed. Small goals are just that, small steps to the larger goal. So I'll start with what is already written to get my feet wet. 

Goal 6. Read one book already on my shelf. Meaning, stop hoarding all the library books! They aren’t going anywhere!

Goal 7. Share January’s book report. Hopefully Friday! And follow me on Good Reads!

Goal 8. Complete 4 pages in Project Life from pics already printed. I just want to see if I actually like that process before making plans going forward.

Goal 9. Schedule dental appointments for the whole family. Because health.

Goal 10. Organize kid crafts. So we can actually see all the pretty things!

Goal 11. Process Elliott’s second year in a blog post. As a part of my letting each chapter unfold, this year has been a doozy and I need to let the words flow.

So celebrating and getting the ball rolling is the theme for February. How about you? 

With that, I leave you with this quote to delight your day. ..

Rachel NevergallComment