en*LIGHT*en//vol. 1



en*light*en. verb. 1. To bring knowledge or understanding. 2. To bring spiritual illumination.

After a few days of rare (but always welcome) rainy days, the sunshine was a welcome start to this weekend! There are fewer things more lovely than bright sunshine on a field of wildflowers in a Texas spring. Am I right?

Here is what has enLIGHTened me this week. 

I have to give this roast pasta a try. At least before the summer heat comes and my oven goes on vacation.

I will be trying these fun gin and tonics. But first I need to get myself some big ice cube trays.

Or I could just use these fun ice cube trays I already have in my freezer. I love a good pun.

Fiesta Red is my go to accent color of choice in my home and on my person. I guess I have much better style than I thought.

Writing has ignited a new found love of words, particularly in poetry. This first poem was just lovely. "Trees were like houses and going home meant climbing into the sky where words appeared inside them like stars." I don't even know what that means but I am still not mad at it. #writergoals Also Anne Frank and her process of rewriting her journal? I love this. 

Hope you have sunshine on your side of the world this weekend!